Ahead of Their Time

Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Sandy Young, Shelley Sumption & Donna Fitzpatrick
There are currently four women on the Mountain Rescue team, which accounts for 5% of its members.  Although it's not uncommon in this day and age for women to be members of rescue organizations such as ours, they often get asked what their role is on the team.

The truth is that their role is no different than anyone else's.

All of the LVMPDSAR Mountain Rescue volunteers get trained to do every job.  From working technical systems to going over the edge as a rescuer, all members know what to do and how to handle the situation.  This gives our officers the ability to freely hand out assignments as volunteers show up for a rescue.  Everyone is held to the same standard, so anyone can step in and get the job done.

In 1987 when the LVMPDSAR Unit as we know it today was formed, three of those original Mountain Rescue members were women.  Sandy, Shelley, and Donna not only knew how to run systems, but they played an integral role in providing medical treatment to each patient that they ran across.  It may not have been as common for women to be jumping in and getting their hands dirty in the 80's, but these women were doing it.

Thanks for paving the way, Ladies!